Its time to evolve .......professionally
All of us evolve continuously with changing seasons and times . (ahem...if nothing else we do grow a day older each day) and at the same time we are wary and resilient to change.
Sometimes it is due to the lack of knowledge. Sometimes it is due to the lack of motivation. Most of the times it's because we do not understand fully the rationale or the "why?" behind the paradigms we have formed and we then become the biggest impediment in our own growth. This is true both of organisations as well as individuals.
In today's fact paced corporate world, a chunk of which everyone wants, the man and his work are indiscernibly linked. There is talk of a professional life and a personal life but no one can dispute the fact that it is the individual who makes or breaks both.
Professional Metamorphosis came into existence to facilitate the individual to know, optimise, and use all his resources in a plethora of situations by giving him both knowledge as well as establishing the rationale behind the paradigms.
The professional metamorphosis is as follows :
We start with our firm belief in teaching individuals to fish rather than giving them fish to eat (the knowledge to use vis a vis just the knowledge).
We take it a step further by explaining the rationale behind each action thereby empowering the individual to use the knowledge effectively and optimally.
The final step in the metamorphosis happens when the individual begins applying what he/she has learnt and benefits immensely by it.
This process is vital to unlearn and to re learn constantly in an individuals life and this process is a continuously developing one in which both the process as well as the individual evolves.
To sum it up in the words of the great Confucius
" The more I know about something, the more I know, that I know nothing about it".