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   It's time to evolve

Student Services

For years, the widespread belief has been that technical knowledge and technical certification contributes most to career enhancement and success for professionals. According to recent surveys however, soft skills are far more important than technical skills to reach the top of the career ladder.

In fact, 96% of survey respondents judged communication skills and interpersonal skills (i.e. soft skills) as the most important contributor to achieving career success.

In view of the above Professional Metamorphosis offers a list of courses designed to arm the student with the necessary 'attitude' for success in their chosen fields.

(click on the modules on the left to know more)

A growing number of teaching institutions are now convinced that the student's ability to understand and to manage themselves improves their performance, their collaboration with colleagues, and their interaction with customers.

We summarise this in the quote "It's attitude and not aptitude that decides one's altitude in an organisation"

Professional Metamorphosis facilitates the students to know themselves and thus equips them to maximise their potential to the fullest in a professional environment.

We also offer career counseling sessions for students with a view to optimising the inherent strengths and likings of the student for their chosen career paths

Needless to say that Professional Metamorphosis is committed to customising these modules to suit individual institutions and/or students.

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